take shape
英 [teɪk ʃeɪp]
美 [teɪk ʃeɪp]
成形; 形成; 具体化; 有显著发展
- Our ideas are beginning to take shape.
我们的想法已经外始初具雏形了。 - It's when I hear you that you take shape.
我听到你说话时,你才现形。 - Another problem is that small factions or cliques must never be allowed to take shape in the party.
还有一个问题,党内无论如何不能形成小派,小圈子。 - If the brain drain becomes an irreversible trend, a vicious circle will take shape in Chinese academia.
如果人才流失成为一种不可逆转的趋势,那么,中国学术界将会形成恶性循环。 - Thanks to these pioneers, the full story of the Missoula floods began to take shape.
由于这些先驱者的努力,密苏拉洪水说开始形成了完整的脉络。 - I've been here for6 months now and the dream is already starting to take shape.
现在我在这里已经生活了6个月了,我的梦想也已经初步成形。 - And it may dictate how certain things in the universe take shape.
而且这一比率可能决定了宇宙中特定事物的成形。 - All of these are good examples of how energy can take shape, form, and structure.
这些都说明了能量是如何形成、组成和构成形状的。 - At night in all of these borrowed beds, my own idea of home started to take shape.
在所有的租来的床上度过的夜里,我开始形成了自己对家的憧憬。 - In 1912 women's events were added, and the modern Olympic programme began to take shape.